In the News


About Our Adopted Clinics - A Primary Healthcare Renewal Strategic Initiative

When their parents died three weeks apart, from COVID-19 in 2021, the Watson siblings were determined that good would come from their deaths. That they did, adopting the Golden Spring Health Centre in the names of the late Keith and Phyllis Watson last Friday.Health Care.


Both, 88, were longstanding residents of the community, and after Phyllis passed  Kim, and Jacqueline….

Jamaican diaspora leads private sector in adopt-a-clinic initiative

When their parents died three weeks apart, from COVID-19 in 2021, the Watson siblings were determined that good would come from their deaths. That they did, adopting the Golden Spring Health Centre in the names of the late Keith and Phyllis Watson last Friday.Health Care.


Both, 88, were longstanding residents of the community, and after Phyllis passed  Kim, and Jacqueline….

Health minister highlights significance of Adopt-a-Clinic initiative

The minister, who was speaking at a ceremony for the formal adoption of the Duhaney Park Health Centre by Hardware and Lumber, at the facility’s St Andrew location on Thursday, said public health cannot survive “unless you have private-sector participation, so it is a great opportunity and I want to commend Hardware and Lumber for this partnership”.


Adopt-a-Clinic Programme generates $154 million

Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Christopher Tufton says the Government’s Adopt-a-Clinic Programme has, so far, raised approximately $154 million to assist in providing quality service delivery in hospitals and health centres islandwide.


Speaking during the initiative’s 35th installation at the Steer Town Health Centre in St Ann on Thursday, Tufton said while the number of clinics adopted…

Expansion of ‘Adopt-A-Clinic’ Initiative in St. James

The Ministry of Health and Wellness’ ‘Adopt-a-Clinic’ initiative continues to expand in St. James, with the Montego Bay Comprehensive Health Centre (Type Five) next in line for the philanthropic programme.


The Adopt-a-Clinic programme seeks to proactively leverage the support of the Jamaican private sector and diaspora to play a more critical role in improving the primary healthcare system.

Seaforth Health Centre Adopted By Seprod Foundation And Canco Ltd.

The Seaforth Health Centre in St. Thomas has been officially adopted by the Seprod Foundation and Canco Ltd., under the Ministry of Health and Wellness Adopt-a-Clinic Programme.


Speaking at the ceremony, which was held on June 17 at the facility, Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, thanked both entities for their combined commitment to the facility of $6 million over three years.

Medical Missions

Increase In Overseas Health Missions Expected

Jamaica should see an increase of overseas health missions on the island, through the efforts of the revamped Health for Life and Wellness Foundation in the Ministry of Health and Wellness.


Portfolio Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says an appeal he made last year while in New York, United States (US), for health professionals…


Medical Missions Enhancing Service Delivery

Medical missions have been an important feature of service delivery at the Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC) over the 60 years of the hospital’s existence, and the institution continues to benefit tremendously from the support of external medical teams.

Consultant Anaesthetist and Head of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at BHC,…

10 Children Benefit From Life-Saving Heart Surgeries

Ten children suffering from various cardiac complications are undergoing corrective surgeries at the Bustamante Hospital for Children this week, during Chain of Hope’s medical mission to the island.

The 18-member team from the United Kingdom (UK)-based charity has been performing the life-saving procedures at the hospital in St. Andrew since…

Health Ministry moves to clear backlog of elective surgeries

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Christopher Tufton, said that the intervention is aimed at clearing the backlog of elective surgeries in hospitals due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) priorities.

“Since March 2020, many hospitals have had to suspend the normal processing of elective surgeries hich has resulted in the extension of the length of…


Corporate Hands | VM Foundation gifts critical healthcare equipment

From left: Christene Smart-Guy, public health nurse at St Jago Park Health Centre; Samantha Charles, chief executive officer, VM Foundation; Courtney Cephas, executive director, National Healthcare Enhancement Foundation; Andre Robb, programme lead, VM Foundation; and Dr Kathi-Mae Dockery, medical officer (health) at the St Catherine Health Department, examine equipment donated to the facility by the VM Foundation.

PM’s Foundation Makes Donation To Health Sector

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, has donated 19 oxygen concentrators to the public health system through his Positive Jamaica Foundation.


The machines will be utilised to treat persons with moderate respiratory illnesses resulting from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and other ailments, requiring oxygen.

Health Ministry to Streamline Donation Process

The Ministry of Health will be streamlining the process to make it easier for local and international charities to donate medical supplies.

“Over the next couple of months, we will be strengthening the Secretariat which deals with charities and charitable activities in Jamaica, because too often persons want to do good, but hit roadblocks along the way,” Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton said.

Health Ministry Making It Easier for Diaspora to Donate

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says Cabinet has approved the appointment of a board for its Health for Life and Wellness Foundation headed by Courtney Cephas.

He said that the new board will play a key role as the Ministry “tries to simplify, strengthen and make it easier” for the Diaspora to assist Jamaica in the area of healthcare.

PHOTOS: Minister Vaz At Handover Of Buses

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Daryl Vaz (third left); and Board Chairman, South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA), Wentworth Charles (second left), are presented with the keys to a bus by President, Guardian Group, Eric Hosin (fourth left), during a handover ceremony at Jamaica House on Monday (March 30).

Health Ministry Receives Donation Of Ventilators

Wife of the Prime Minister and patron of the Save Our Boys and Girls Foundation, the Most Hon. Juliet Holness, on Tuesday (June 23), handed over five ventilators to the Ministry of Health and Wellness to assist in the national coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

The items were donated by local businessman and developer, Leo Taddeo and his wife, Antoinette, through the Foundation.

Covid-19 Stories

Hardware & Lumber Donates PPE To Health Ministry

To support ongoing efforts in the fight against COVID-19, Hardware & Lumber Ltd. (H&L) has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), valued at $2 million, to the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The donation of 2,500 KN95 face masks was received by State Minister in the Ministry, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn.

Health Ministry gets donation of medical masks and coveralls

Jamaica’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has once again been boosted by a donation of 20,000 medical masks and 300 coveralls to the Ministry of Health and Wellness, through its Health for Life and Wellness Foundation (HLWF).


The donation was made recently by Henan Fifth Construction Company Ltd. to support the most at-risk front-line health workers in the fight against the COVID-19.

Other Stories

Special Focus on Health and Education During Diaspora Conference

Health and education will be given special attention during the 10th Biennial Diaspora Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, slated for June 16 to 19.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, told a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ that there will be dedicated sessions facilitating discussions on healthcare and education.

Health and Wellness Centre to be Constructed at Ardenne High School

Students and staff at Ardenne High School in St. Andrew will soon benefit from the establishment of a health and wellness centre.


The Ardenne High School Health and Wellness Centre, which is slated for completion within a year, is projected to cost approximately $60 million. The undertaking is an initiative of the Ardenne Alumni Foundation and aims to support the physical, mental health and overall well-being of the students and staff.

Significant Role of Primary Health Centres in NCD Screening Highlighted

Health and Wellness Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says Primary health facilities play a critical role in screening for non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The Ministry has embarked on a programme to encourage Jamaicans to screen for NCDs to know their health status.

The campaign, dubbed ‘Know Your Numbers’, seeks to encourage yearly health screening to reduce the prevalence of lifestyle diseases and premature mortality.

Major Projects Coming to Deal With Lifestyle Diseases

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says every effort must be made to reduce the incidents of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as these beset too many Jamaicans.

He pointed out that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has increased the vulnerability of persons to poor health outcomes, while presenting a significant challenge to the economy.

Approximately 15 per cent of the health budget is being spent on ailments associated with NCDs.

Ministry to Boost Staff of Health for Life and Wellness Foundation

The Ministry of Health and Wellness will be boosting the staff of its Health for Life and Wellness Foundation as part of measures to increase the entity’s effectiveness in garnering support for the health sector.

The Foundation works to simplify, strengthen, and make it easier for the Jamaican Diaspora to assist the island in healthcare.


Portfolio Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, said that the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service has approved a new structure for the entity, and the staff complement will be moving from two to seven.

MOU Signed to Implement $50M ‘New Limb, New Life’ Initiative

The Ministries of Health and Wellness and Labour and Social Security have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement the ‘New Limb, New Life’ Initiative.

The $50-million initiative aims to provide patients losing limbs due to a health condition or trauma with prosthesis.

The signatories were Health and Wellness Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton and Labour and Social Security Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr.

Ministry of Health and Wellness Creates Physician Workforce Document

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has created a physician workforce document, that will provide the framework for the engagement of more doctors in both primary and secondary care.


This is in keeping with the country’s efforts to achieve Goal Number 3.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

Public-Sector Entities Implementing Wellness Programmes

Several public-sector entities have responded to the call from Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, to institute workplace wellness programmes, as part of the national effort to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs).


The Minister has issued an appeal for heads of agencies to assign officers to coordinate the wellness efforts, which include ensuring that employees have access to healthier meal options.